Here I am watching Andy and Sam on their magic carpet ride to the top of the bunny hill for a few warm-up runs before we hit the chair lift (there aren't any T-bars at Nakiska).
Here's Andy on the Bronze chair lift as we went up on our second run.
And here are Sam and Otto on the chair behind us.
And we all took the Silver high-speed quad chair up a few times. This one is nice because it goes really slowly when you're getting on and off, but zooms up the mountain once it gets going.
After a few runs down the mountain, Sam decided he wanted to head back to the bunny hill, so while I watched him I took a picture of my snazzy new snowboard pants for your viewing pleasure.
In other news, Andy lost his second tooth!
This tooth was was hardly loose at all. Apparently there was some type of run-in with the wall that precipitated the early loss. I'm still not real clear on the details, and he wasn't talking much. I think it was one of those, "Hmmm, let's see what happens if I do this" moments. He was fairly shaken when he came down and handed me the tooth with a huge wad of toilet paper in his mouth and tears streaming down his face. I asked if it hurt, and he said no. I think the tears were from fear that the tooth that he just knocked out was to act as a guide for the adult tooth coming in next to it. Once I assured him that it didn't matter that the tooth fell out, he felt much better. But I don't think he'll be banging his teeth against the wall again (or whatever it was that happened)!
And I took the boys sledding today while Otto worked on some tax stuff. I'm still not clear if I'm supposed to call it tobogganing or not. I hear it both ways, so I think I'll stick with sledding. We went to our neighborhood pond where there is a decent hill to sled down. Here the boys are going down over a jump someone made in the snow.
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