Tomorrow is Remembrance Day here in Canada, which is the same day (and equivalent to as far as I can tell) as Veteran's Day in the States. You can contribute some change and pick up a poppy pin to wear to commemorate the occasion. I rather like the term Remembrance Day, putting emphasis on the action of remembering those who endured (or are enduring) conditions that I would rather not. Andy is off from school today and tomorrow, and had a Remembrance Day assembly at school on Friday. I picked a poppy up from the doctor's office on Friday and was wearing it when Sam and I met Andy at the bus stop that afternoon. "No, Mommy, you're wearing it on the wrong side. You're supposed to wear it over your heart!" Whoops - thank goodness I have Andy to keep me in the know around here! :o)
This year I remember, among others, my dad, Rex Bivins, Jr. (Hi Dad!) who served in Vietnam, my grandfathers, Rex Bivins, Sr. and Herbert Anderson who both served in World War II, and Ryno (Ryan) van Leeuwan who is serving in Afghanistan as I write.
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