Title: My Bedroom is a Zoo
My name is Andy.
My bedroom is a zoo.
Come see, it's exciting!
The snake does flips.
The turtle colors on the papers.
The kangaroo jumps on my bed.
The bear makes a Lego table.
My bedroom is a zoo.
Come see, it's exciting!
Turns out it was a contest, and.... he won FIRST PLACE out of all the classes and received a $10 gift card to Chapters! Way to go, Andy!!
Here he is holding up a certificate he received on his last day of Grade 1. On to Grade 2 in September!

Congrats to Andy! Cant wait to see you guys next weekend!
No sabes lo contentos que estamos que te hayan premiado por ese poema tan lindo que hicistes.
Eres un nino muy inteligente y lindo.
Te queremos mucho
Tios y Hectico
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