Andy turned nine a little over a week ago, and we had his party a little early, as his birthday fell on a Tuesday. He's not a huge cake fan, so we went the giant cookie-cake route. We have no All-American Cookie Companies here (go figure), or anyone else that I know of that make cookie cakes, so we did it ourselves.

The boys played, ate pizza, and watched one of favorite all-time movies, The Sandlot.
On his actual birthday, we had pulled-pork sandwiches and some cake. Which he happily ate. Maybe he's coming around to cake. He even lit his own birthday candles. I instinctively reached to take the lighter from him, and he objected with, "But I light the candles at church when I alter serve!" Um, yeah, sometimes you do. Um, okay. I guess.
He thoroughly enjoyed his candle-lighting.
Happy Birthday, Andy!! We love you! :o)
Earlier in the trip, Mom and I and the boys were driving around, and decided to go by the Board of Trade to show the boys where the big party was for Mommy and Papi's wedding. It was a little tricky to get in. The wrought-iron gates were locked to the courtyard, but we found a hotel down the street that had a door that led to the alley, and voila! I had forgotten just how HUGE the doors were to this place. Massive.
On this Sunday morning the boys and I went with Dad over to the garden/landscaping show that was going on at the Botanical Gardens in City Park. Dad is displaying his purchase of two crepe myrtles. It was such a pretty, WARM day! After this we walked across the street and swung in the giant double-sided swings for a while.The next day I was able to sneak away for a quick visit with Rebecca, Edward, and the newest addition to the family, Henry (via Sam and Abbie)!
He's a cutie!
How could I NOT take a picture of that rear-end?
I returned back to Mom's house to find kite-fliers.

A little later we headed to Metairie and visited Dad at work. He's looking very official here as he describes what the State of Louisiana is investigating at the moment. If you're collecting unemployment and you are currently employed, consider yourself warned.
We then headed over to Clearview mall for our second visit to the bouncy place where they harness you up and you can jump and flip yourself silly. I don't have a picture, but Mom posted some video here.And a last shot of Mom and Bill from dinner that evening. Say cheese!