The primary target of visitation was my Mamaw (Dad's mother), but my dad and sister drove over from New Orleans to visit, and my Aunt Mary Jane (Dad's sister) and Uncle Alan, Uncle Steve (Dad's brother) and Aunt Gail also live in the area, so there were lots of people to hug!
Here we were sitting in Mamaw's new apartment at Heritage of Peachtree, an assisted living facility that she moved into this summer.

Claire displaying her early Christmas present.

Sam and Andy made some artwork for Mamaw, which she taped to her wall.

I was blown away by the fall foliage. It was an unexpected perk of the trip to be surrounded by so many beautiful colors. I also enjoyed the Georgia accent (which is slightly different than Alabama or Texas), as one gentlemen told me outside, (spoken in your best male-version of Paula Dean), "I feel like I'm livin' in a wah-tah culuh."
Mamaw and I took a walk around her building on Saturday morning. I walked, she rode.

On our way to meet everyone at The Olive Garden for lunch, sunroof open. It was in the low 70s that afternoon. Light years away from what I left and came back to in Canada!

Fayetteville was designed with golf-cart transportation in mind, and here we were driving under a mini bridge.

Dad following behind us.

That afternoon we headed to Mary Jane and Alan's house, where we met the newest addition to their family, Cali.

They adopted her from a Great Dane rescue facility. I think she's half Dane, half Retriever. Georgia, their other dog, also came up for a scratch.


Enjoying the lovely weather in the backyard. Mary Jane, Gail, and Claire.

Mamaw requested a Dad-and-Uncle Steve picture because they look so much alike.

The next day we took a nice Sunday afternoon drive out to Steve and Gail's house.
Mockingbird Lane, which leads to their place.

Gail was showing me the pictures of their property after a tornado went through a couple years ago. Hundreds of trees were torn away, garage doors blown in, and poor doggies in their doggy houses picked up and thrown down the road by the tornado. Luckily they survived. There were also a few pictures of their horses, non-tornado related. I believe that's why we were smiling here. :o)

This was a fruit and nut cake that Gail was in the process of making. She had four of them; two sherry-soaked, and two brandy-soaked. They need to be "fed" weekly for several weeks in row. The finishing touches will be a layer of homemade marzipan, then a topping of royal icing. Oh, how I wish I was spending Christmas at THEIR house.

Mamaw taking a whiff. They smelled GOOOOOOOOD.

Gail had also just taken out a loaf of freshly-baked bread. Mamaw called dibs on the end-piece.

We got home that evening just in time to play Sevens with the ladies.
Mamaw dealing out.

Short trip, but I'm SO glad I got to go - it was great to see everyone. And thanks to my wonderful husband, who encouraged me to leave the boys with him for the (long) weekend. That's true love. ;o)