This is what the vehicle looked like that took us up (from a trip last fall).
And here are Andy and Sam standing next to the tire of the one that took us up onto the glacier (pronounced gla-CEE-er by our tour guide; I've always been more of a gla-SHE-er gal).
And DO NOT go past the blue cones, or they will not be held responsible! We did taste the glacial run-off. Cold!
After the glacier, we drove down to Lake Louise to the Baker Creek Chalets, where they were staying. They were such cute little chalets!
There were two twin beds up in the loft.
And this cozy fireplace. I think Stephen was singing, "Rock-a-bye baby, on the tree top. When the wind blows, his change will fall out!" Sam thought that was absolutely hysterical, as the coins in his pocket were actually falling out. Andy was next, of course!
Chillin' on the sofa.
And the nearby train track.
The next day we tootled around Banff, had lunch, visited the candy store, and the boys and I headed back to Red Deer while they stayed in the mountains a couple more days. Among other things, Steve, Rhonda and Sarah canoed Moraine Lake,
while Stephen went fly fishing and caught a trout!
They also saw some wildlife. A mule deer (I think).
A black bear.
And a GRIZZLY CUB! They were in the car the whole time with the car in drive, ready to high-tail it should Mama show up. (Thanks to the Fos for letting me show off their awesome pictures!)
The morning after they made it back to Red Deer, we all went saskatoon berry picking. Good thing, as our supply from last year was all out!
Showing off the fruits of our labor, and some muscles.
Then it was on to raspberry picking down the road.
I didn't know that there's a hard white center that you pull the raspberry off of, and that's why it's hollow on the inside.
Our two bucket fulls that we all picked (more than enough after all the saskatoons), and a picturesque old plow to pose by.
And a picnic lunch on the property.
Then we went home and made these! One raspberry with a few saskatoons, and one straight saskatoon. They were DE-licious! And aren't they pretty?! Rhonda taught me how to make a lattice on the top.
The next morning we said farewell to our friends as they went back home. But not before they had a little pie for breakfast. :o) Thanks for coming, y'all! We had a great time!